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tv   Action News  ABC  October 17, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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tonight. generally speaking you'll see the clearing work in from the south. more clouds to the west and overall we'll call it partly sunny today with the clouds partly thicker than the sunshine and other times sunshine kind of winning out. 60 degrees in philadelphia. 54 in allentown. cool in wilmington, 58 degrees. chilly to start out. winds buildings a little bit after the sun gets up over the horizon. at the bus stop, 56 degrees between 6:00 and 8:00 partly cloudy and cool. storm tracker 6 live app on the smart phone says 50 degrees and slip to 58 by 8:00. noon, 66 that he is going to be the high, 71 degrees before we flip back down to 67 by 6:00. overall partly sunny skies, getting cooler as we head through the weekend, karen. i'll have the details in the seven day. >> reporter: all right, dave we have a serious accident southbound on the boulevard at 9th street.
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all lanes are cleared, and looking better. we're watching for a little bit of fog, you can see a touch of it right here, but it's not causing too many problems. live on i-95, southbound traffic heading toward center city moving just fine through the construction zone no problems at i-95. on i-95 you see speeds in the 50s on schuylkill expressway and the blue route. 202 was shut down after a nasty accident, all is clear and open right now. >> developing right now there's one person in custody during a police shooting that happened during a wild pursuit involving a tractor-trailer. scott so the is live at the scene in norristown with the full story, let's go over to her. good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, tam, we're waiting for investigators to release more details about this. we do know this was a police-involved shooting, one person was hit and he is in the
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hospital and police are there with him. you can see that this intersection has reopened at markley and main street. traffic is now getting through. but just before 5:00 a.m., you can see the tractor-trailer involved it was hooked up to the tow truck and towed away from the scene in norristown. in that tractor-trailer you can see bullet holes in the windshield on the drivers side. this happened around 11:15 last night. we're hearing that the tractor-trailer was driving erratically, police were called in a chase ensued and shots were fired. one person was hit and taken to the hospital and with police. investigators from norristown police and the county were here for hours overnight. the investigate is on going. we did see shell casings in the street. there was damage to several vehicles here, but, again we're waiting to here from police the exact circumstances involving the police-involved shooting. no reports of any officers being
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injured, one person was shot and taken to the hospital. live in norristown, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thank four -- thank you for that. >> listen to that, incredible new video into "action news." an explosive fire destroyed an suv on i-95 in ridley township, delaware county overnight. fierce flames devoured the vehicle near stewart avenue in the southbound lane. the action cam was on the scene as firefighters got there and put the fire out. no reports of injuries, but look out for any closures that could be on the stewart avenue ramp on to i-95. >> developing overnight the first texas nurse diagnosed with ebola has arrived at the national institute of health in bethesda. our dann -- dann cuellar was in
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texas and got this story. >> reporter: nina pham was moved yesterday, late thursday the special plane carrying the 26-year-old arrived in frederick, maryland. the hospital conceded that moving her was the right decision that many of their medical professionals that would staff the icu were sidelined for monitoring. haz/mat decontaminating the apartment building of the second nurse who got it. in another development. the dallas county commissioners met in an emergency session to consider issuing a disaster declaration, but in the end decided against it for now. >> the key issue is the
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healthcare workers that came in contact with mr. duncan to make sure that they monitor themselves and stay away from all public places. >> reporter: now it's still unclear how the two nurses got it, but national in your presences united a union representing nurses blames the hospital for not providing proper information in a timely manner. the hospital said it was following cdc guidelines, from now on any worker who shows any symptoms will be tested pro actively for ebola. dann cuellar channel 6 "action news." >> today at noon, mayor michael nutter will hold a briefing on philadelphia's ebola preparedness. the mayor is saying all paramedics there be trained to handle patients with infectious diseases by the end of the day. children's hospital has been
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designated as one of the hospitals to treat ebola in young patients. chop said it's been working on a plan since august to treat a sick patient and keep the staff safe. an er doctor is in west africa. "action news" caught up with the doctor at philadelphia international airport. she greed to work with the medical corps. >> i think the response needs to be more vigorous from the international community and the medical community. >> priority joining pen the doctor work,ed in east africa for about a decade. look for live reports later today from dann cuellar in dallas and registered nurse ali gorman coming to us from atlanta at that. >> 5:36 a charter school in philadelphia has kicked out 250 children because it is unable to
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pay its bills. outraged parents gave the founder of the charter school an ear full. the school held a lottery drawing at the school's northern liberties campus. the state supreme court ruled that the philadelphia school district does not have to pay palmer a charter fee of $1.5 million. it broke it's promise by enrolling twice as many students as it was suppose to have. the district said the students under-performed on tests. the district is working with parents to help them find new schools for their children. >> we've had heat and rain and now looks like we're in for a lovely day. >> reporter: it's nice today and getting cooler over the weekend, but the weekend is dry, okay? storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we have no precipitation
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out there. as we look live on sky 6. we have clouds around the region, but the sun will share the sky with the clouds quickly. some of the suburbs are in the 50s, winds are light at 8 miles per hour. probably getting breezier after sunrise. taking a look at the clouds out to the west we'll see open spaces opening up. there will be periods of day that will be nice and bright, we'll go partly sunny overall with the understanding it will be back and forth today. temperatures, 58 by 8:00. 11:64. 2:00 p.m., 69 with a high of 71 around 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. getting mild later on and looking good. high temperatures, not much variation, getting from 59 to 61. everybody looking good out there. if you're heading to high school football bring along a sweatshirt or light jacket it will be cool tonight with the
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temperatures in the 60s. 64 by 7:00. 0 degrees at 10:00 p.m. there's a front coming through ahead of it we'll get up to 68 on saturday with partly sunny skies, the winds picking up a little bit as this front comes through, behind it much cooler on sunday with the highs in the 50s. hurricane gonzalo is a category 4. it is sweeping toward bermuda, a well-defined hurricane. it is bearing down on bermuda. it's near the center of biewrd miewd did a itself -- bermuda itself. this afternoon and this evening is this bors for burr -- the worst for bermuda.
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saturday, cooler and breeze, clouds increasing and shower at night. sunday, windy and chilly, high of 56 degrees, monday looks cool. 60. monday morning might be the first morning i bring my winter coat to work, because we have suburbs in the 30s and philadelphia close to that on monday morning. but the afternoon we're back up to 60. tuesday, wednesday and thursday, a little unsettled with the potential for spotty showers. thank you, david. >> it is now 5:40. next up, a bizarre turn of events leads to a spurred burrowing under a man's skin. >> we have a road rage incident involving four women, a baseball and school bus. >> reporter: really? we have southbound traffic heading toward the schuylkill expressway which is open for a change. other accidents, though, we'll take you to a new one coming up and take you into new jersey. >> the medical examiner releases new information on the death of comedy legend
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construction zone rivers. "action news" will be right back.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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>> welcome back you're taking a live look here sky6 live hd looking out over penns landing over to the ben franklin bridge, 5:43 out there, 61 degrees, david murphy says it's going to be a lovely start to the weekend. >> karen has pointed out, it's been a rough week on the roads. >> reporter: it has been. and friday morning is not exception. we had early morning problems. i want to show you the big picture overall on the blue route, schuylkill expressway and i-95 not too many problems right
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there. but we have an issue in frankford, frankford avenue and unity avenue. an does he want where a vehicle hit a barrier, it was a septa barrier for one of their lines in frankford. no problems with septa, you want to watch for the accident scene that they are investigating at frankford and unity. new jersey overview, 55 miles per hour on 42. green traffic flow on the new jersey turnpike and 295 that's looking good for you, as well. let's check 202 at the 30 bypass, 202 was shut down, but that's clear now. 202 looking good heading toward the schuylkill expressway coming in from west chester no problems there. him we have issues with deer on the road an accident involving a deer earlier on the westbound pennsylvania turnpike and deer
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202 northbound at west goshen. as well as as someone talking about a hazard on road there with animals on the road. 3 miles visibility in allentown, 6 miles in philadelphia. a touch of fog in spots, tam. >> thank you, karen. and this is developing closing arguments are taking place today in the sentencing phase of the oscar pistorius trial. the olympian could face up to 15 years in prison. the lawyers argued for three years of house arrest along with community service. on the stand, steenkamp's cousin said he must pay for what he has done. happening today an ohio pro life group is taking its message to independence mall in a controversial way. the group created equal plans to
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show abortion on a jumbotron. independence national historical park granted the group a permit for the project. a public affairs officer said content does play in the process when granting application. >> spiderman, a man had a scratch spread across his chest. doctors realized it was the mark of a spider. it burr -- burrowed into his belly button snroop it was like a hot seering burning sensation. nothing like i felt before. >> doctor have removed the
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spider. >> a bear finds out why dumpster diving can be dangerous to your health. >> road rage, four women attack a school bus. >> reporter: we have temperatures in the 50s and this afternoon t-shirts work for a time. i'll give you a suggestion to places you might go this weekend to catch the leaves
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>> a pair of bears had a a mishap in a southern california neighborhood. a cub got stuck in a dumpster while looking for lunch. wildlife officials had to scare
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mom away with a bean bag shot to get the guy out. the pair were reunited. mother and baby are sticking around, why because there's a pool and food there. >> it was a big night for the pennsylvania ballet at the academy of music. it opened its 51st season it was the first program cure rated by the new artistic director. it showcases the dancers' techal precision and performances. >> reporter: i love the ballet, that sounds like a good idea. let's check out the schuylkill expressway not a huge problem. here we see a disabled tractor-trailer off to the side the schuylkill expressway westbound at south street. not causing any slowing, watch for that disabled tractor-trailer, as penndot zooms in to it. a disabled vehicle northbound
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garden state parkway, warren town, exit 69, dave. >> reporter: we're in the 50s. 59 by 9:00 a.m. if you're running errands you might want to wait until the afternoon because we get milder. 66 degrees by noon. the high 71 degrees, it will be breezy with winds running around 10 to 20 miles per hour. 71 it will be nice later on. 67 degrees by 6:00 p.m. if you're in search of those changing leaves, here are a couple of suggestions as the maples are showing bright colors. here's where you can head, lehigh george state ppl park and delaware water gap. >> police in washington have found the body of a missing actress. missy upham was reported policing by her family a week ago.
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the body was turned over to a medical examiner to confirm the identification and determine the cause of death. new york city medical examiner said median joan rivers died from brain hemorrhage due to low blood oxygen. she went into cardiac arrest during a routine medical procedure that was meant to look at changes in her voice. the new york state health department is investigating the circumstances around her death. >> up next what four women did to a packed school bus in philadelphia has police looking for them. >> we have a [prof. burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it.
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but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for this. [boy] check it out,mom! [prof. burke]when you're really only covered for this. or how you figured you were covered for this. when you're actually paying for this.
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you might be surprised at what's hiding in your coverage. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [announcer] call 1-800-farmers and see how much you could save.
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>> welcome back you're taking a live look here at the platt bridge, things looking good there, at 5:55. 61 degrees out there. philadelphia police are looking for four women who were part of a violent road rage attack on a school bus. chopper 6 was own the bus yesterday. a green chevy at tahoe pulled in front of the bus, one hit the bus with a baseball bat. and one sprayed paint on the bus. a 15-year-old boy was cut on the bus. philadelphia police are searching for a woman who robbed a center city 7-eleven with a
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knife. it happened on the 2 # hundred block of lumbard street. the masked suspect chased is one of the clerks she grabbed cash and took off, call philadelphia police if you have notice tips. >> firefighters in montgomery will pack up a truck looking for for -- the supplies will go to the police who are looking for eric frein. the collegeville fire department has been collecting food and other supplies for the effort they will deliver the goods thing tomorrow morning. we have an update on the trooper who survived that deadly ambush. trooper has been released from the hospital and is in rehab. he was shot five weeks ago outside the blooming grove state police barracks. that was corporal bryon dickson who was killed.
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>> 125r bucks -- starbucks is rolling out a new way to help coffee lovers beat the rush. >> we have an this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose
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backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. >> good morning, everyone, it is 6:00 a.m., friday, october 17. we're following developing news. >> police are forced to open fire during a wild chase with a tractor-trailer in montgomery county. a cargoes out of control on a delaware roadway triggering a head-on crash. >> residents of bermuda get
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ready for hurricane gonzalo. >> we have david and karen. >> reporter: all right, guys, we have clouds around, but no rain, obviously. as i look out on the terrace, i have a good look at the moon. 58 degrees in philadelphia. 56 in wilmington, 53 in in allentown. 60 in sea isle city. as we head outside, looks like we'll be in the upper 50s, partly cloudy and cool. but it gets milder later on as you're taking that storm tracker 6 live app on the smart phone on the train station or bus stop, 58 degrees, probably still around 58 by 8:00. noon 56 the high is a mild 71. it will be nice, overall partly sunny skies and breezy at times and comfortable. gets coole